Download apt and pip3 packages offline with their dependencies


Commonly used if you want to install something on a remote machine without internet

# On Kali Machine
mkdir apt_offline_downloads
cd apt_offline_downloads
# for i in $(apt-cache depends <package_name> | grep -E 'Depends|Recommends|Suggests' | cut -d ':' -f 2,3 | sed -e s/'<'/''/ -e s/'>'/''/); do sudo apt-get download $i 2>>errors.txt; done

# i.e. for i in $(apt-cache depends python3-pip | grep -E 'Depends|Recommends|Suggests' | cut -d ':' -f 2,3 | sed -e s/'<'/''/ -e s/'>'/''/); do sudo apt-get download $i 2>>errors.txt; done

# On remote linux machine (Debian-based)
sudo apt-get install ./<package_name.deb>
# i.e. sudo apt-get install ./python3-pip_<version>.deb
# or
sudo dpkg -i <package_name.deb>
# On Kali Machine
mkdir pip3_downloads
cd pip3_downloads
pip3 download <package_name>
# i.e. pip3 download -r requirements.txt

# Transfer for to remote linux machine with pip3 installed (i.e. via scp)

# On remote machine with python3 and pip3 installed
pip3 install --no-index --find-links '.' '<package_name.whl' 
# or
pip3 install --no-index --find-links '.' -r requirements.txt
# or
pip3 install --no-index --find-links="./pip3_downloads" -r requirements.txt

# Then you may proceed to `python3 install`