Process and Network Monitoring (Linux)

Connection check to VPN or network

Simple way that can be done in most Linux OS (ICMP)

Uses nping (from nmap) for TCP Ping

To know if you have:

Make sure to change:


cd ~
echo 'alias con_check_icmp="ping $hostORdomain |cut -d \"=\" -f 2,4"' >> .bashrc
echo "alias con_check_tcp=\"sudo nping --tcp --delay 1s -c 0 -H -p $destPort $hostORdomain | awk '/mss/ {print \\\$7,\\\$10,\\\$13,\\\$14}'\"" >> .bashrc
source .bashrc


cd ~
echo 'alias con_check_icmp="ping $hostORdomain |cut -d \"=\" -f 2,4"' >> .zshrc
echo "alias con_check_tcp=\"sudo nping --tcp --delay 1s -c 0 -H -p $destPort $hostORdomain | awk '/mss/ {print \\\$7,\\\$10,\\\$13,\\\$14}'\"" >> .zshrc
source .zshrc

To Execute

# For ICMP
# For TCP
# On terminator "Watch for silence"

Monitor Network

while true; do sleep 1 && sudo netstat -plunt > /dev/shm/current && diff --old-line-format="[+] %L" --new-line-format="[-] %L" --unchanged-line-format="" /dev/shm/current /dev/shm/before;mv /dev/shm/current /dev/shm/before;done
* Remove known processes you do not want to see * Difference is the grep command after netstat. Make sure to change the s

while true; do sleep 1 && sudo netstat -punt|grep -v -e <PID> -e <PID> -e <PID> > /dev/shm/current && diff --old-line-format="[+] %L" --new-line-format="[-] %L" --unchanged-line-format="" /dev/shm/current /dev/shm/before;mv /dev/shm/current /dev/shm/before;done

Monitor new processes

journalctl -f
