Port Forwarding with Chisel

Chisel is a fast TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP. Is can be used for port forwarding.

- [chisel](https://github.com/jpillora/chisel)

Transfer Chisel Binary to Remote Machine

If the remote machine does not have chisel binary, we need to transfer it from local machine (if local machine has the binary).

# In local machine
python3 -m http.server --directory /path/to/chisel/directory

# In remote machine
wget http://<local-ip>:8000/chisel
chmod +x chisel
./chisel -h

Port Forwarding

# In remote machine
chisel server -p <listen-port>

# In local machine
chisel client <listen-ip>:<listen-port> <local-port>:<target-ip>:<target-port>

Reverse Port Forwarding

It is useful when we want to access to the host & the port that cannot be directly accessible from local machine.

# In local machine
chisel server -p 9999 --reverse

# In remote machine
# replace with your local ip
chisel client R:8090:

After that, we can access to http://localhost:8090/ in local machine. In short, we can access to via localhost:8090.
Try curl to confirm.

curl http://localhost:8090

# The result is the content of

Example (SSH)

Assume we want to connect to SSH server (ssh:// that cannot be directly accessed from local machine.

# In local machine
chisel server -p 9999 --reverse

# In remote machine (assume we want to connect ssh://
chisel client <local-ip>:9999 R:2222:

After that, we can connect to the SSH server from local machine.
Run the following command in local machine.

ssh user@localhost -p 2222

Forward Multiple Ports

# In local machine
chisel server -p 9999 --reverse

# In remote machine
chisel client R:3000: R:8000:

After that, we can access to http://localhost:3000 and http://localhost:8000 in local machine.

Forward Dynamic SOCKS Proxy

# In remote
chisel server -p 9999 --socks5

# In local
chisel client 8000:socks

Then modify /etc/proxychains.conf in local machine.
Comment out the line of "socks4".

# /etc/proxychains.conf
socks5  8000

Reverse Dynamic SOCKS Proxy

It is useful when we want to access to the host & multiple ports that cannot be directly accessible from local machine.

# In local machine
chisel server -p 9999 --reverse

# In remote machine
chisel client R:9000:socks

Then modify /etc/proxychains.conf in local machine.
Comment out the line of "socks4".

# /etc/proxychains.conf
socks5 9000

To confirm if we can reach the desired host and port, run nmap with proxychains.

proxychains nmap localhost

Enable Proxychains Bash

It allows us to execute programs without adding proxychains command before main command.

proxychains bash

# Run some command without "proxychains" command.
nmap localhost

Burp Suite Settings for Proxy

If we want to use Burp Suite with proxychains, we can add the SOCKS proxy in the Proxy settings.
For details, please see the SOCKS Proxy in Burp Suite.