Wireshark Filter Cheatsheet

Other Filters

1. Drone Filter - DJI, Yuneec, Autel, Skydio, AeroVironment, Shenzhen Hubsan, and Holy Stone by MAC prefix:

(eth.src[0:3] == 34:D2:62) || (eth.src[0:3] == 48:1C:B9) || (eth.src[0:3] == 60:60:1F) || (eth.src[0:3] == E4:7A:2C) || (eth.src[0:3] == E0:B6:F5) || (eth.src[0:3] == 18:D7:93) || (eth.src[0:3] == 38:1D:14) || (eth.src[0:3] == 00:1A:F9) || (eth.src[0:3] == 98:AA:FC) || (eth.src[0:3] == 00:0C:BF)

Filter List

Filter Category Filter Examples Description
Top Filters ip.adr== Filters traffic based on the provided IP address
ip.adr== Filters traffic within the provided subnet
tcp.port==80 Filters traffic on a specific TCP port
tcp.port in{80,443,8000..8005} Filters traffic on a range of TCP ports
tcp or dns Filters all TCP or DNS traffic
eth matches "London" Filters Ethernet traffic for a specific string
!(arp or stp or lldp or cdp or eth.addr==ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff or tcp.port in {4433,80}) Excludes specific types of traffic based on the provided parameters
General Filters http Filters all HTTP traffic
dns Filters all DNS traffic
ip.src== Filters traffic from a specific source IP
ip.dst== Filters traffic to a specific destination IP
ipv6 Filters all IPv6 traffic
eth.addr==00:11:22:33:44:55 Filters traffic based on the MAC address
TCP Filters tcp.port==80 Filters TCP traffic on a specific port
tcp.port in {8000..8005} Filters TCP traffic on a range of ports
tcp.flags.syn==1 Filters TCP packets with the SYN flag set
tcp.flags.reset==1 Filters TCP packets with the RESET flag set
Frame Filters frame.len>=100 Filters packets based on the frame length
frame contains "example" Filters packets containing a specific string
IP Filters ip.addr== Filters traffic within a specific subnet
ip.addr == ip.src && ip.dst Filters all conversations between source and destination IPs
Exclusion Filters !arp Excludes all ARP traffic
Novel Filters http.request.method == "POST" Filters HTTP POST requests
ssl or tls Filters all SSL/TLS traffic
ip.addr== and http Filters all HTTP traffic from a specific IP
dns.qry.name contains "example" Filters DNS queries containing a specific string
tcp.flags.syn==1 and tcp.flags.ack==1 Filters TCP packets with both the SYN and ACK flags set
icmp Filters all ICMP traffic
ip.addr== and icmp Filters all ICMP traffic from a specific IP
tcp contains "password" Filters all TCP packets containing the word "password"
http.cookie contains "sessionid" Filters all HTTP cookies containing the string "sessionid"
eth.dst == ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Filters all Ethernet frames with the destination MAC set to broadcast
dns.resp.len > 0 Filters DNS responses with a length greater than zero
ip.addr != Excludes all traffic from a specific IP address
tcp.flags.fin==1 and tcp.flags.ack==1 Filters TCP packets with both the FIN and ACK flags set
http.request.uri contains "/login" Filters HTTP requests with "/login" in the URI
http.response.code == 200 Filters HTTP responses with a status code of 200
tcp.len > 0 Filters TCP packets with a length greater than zero
ssl.record.version == 0x0303 Filters SSL records with version TLS 1.2
http.request or http.response Filters all HTTP requests and responses
udp.port == 53 Filters all UDP traffic on port 53
ip.addr == and (tcp or udp) Filters all TCP or UDP traffic from a specific IP address
frame.len <= 64 Filters all frames with a length of 64 bytes or less
ip.ttl <= 64 Filters all IP packets with a TTL of 64 or less
tcp.window_size == 0 Filters all TCP packets with a window size of zero
tcp.stream eq 1 Filters all packets within the same TCP stream
http.host contains "example.com" Filters all HTTP packets where the host field contains a specific string
Operand Description
== Tests for equality
!= Tests for inequality
> Tests for greater than
< Tests for less than
>= Tests for greater than or equal to
<= Tests for less than or equal to
&& Logical AND. The expression "A && B" is true if both A and B are true.
! Logical NOT. The expression "!A" is true if A is false.
contains Checks if the left operand, which must be of type string or byte array, contains the right operand, which must be of type string.
matches Checks if the left operand, which must be of type string or byte array, matches the right operand, which must be a regular expression.