Mobile Application Test Notes (iPhone)

- mobile-device-tips-tricks-and-resources

Prepping Device and Application:

[+] Jailbreak iPhone/iPad - Green Poison / Absinthe 2.04 [+] Enable SSH on iPhone/iPad [+] Install iFunbox to install the application ( [+] Connect device to lab wireless network [+] Add web proxy settings - IP address of attacking machine port 8080 [+] Ensure connection and SSH is working

Prepping Burp Suite:

[+] Open Burp Suite and navigate to Proxy->Options, [-] Edit proxy listeners – enter ‘port’ as 8080, disable ‘loopback only’ and select ‘support invisible’.

[+] Download and install burp certificate (.crt) onto ipad.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing:

[+] Browse the following Directory for insecure storage [-] /private/var/mobile/applications/


[+] Application file type - x.ipa

[+] Easy way:

------------------------------------------ Mobile Application Test Notes (Android)

Prepping the application (After Android Nougat, Apps need to repackaged since they don't trust user certificates by default) -

[+] apktool d [+] Update AndroidManifest.xml [-] Add android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" to application tag in xml [+] Add network_security_config.xml to res/xml folder [-] "Trusting user-added CAs for all secure connections" section in [+] Repackage the application [-] apktool b unpacked_apk_folder -o [+] Signing the application [-] Create a keystore using keytool [-] jarsigner -keystore -storepass -keypass android

Creating an emulator and installing the application

[+] Create a virtual device: [-] android avd

[+] Start the emulator: [-] emulator –avd testavd

[+] Install the application: [-] adb install

[+] Open Burp Suite and navigate to Proxy->Options, [-] Edit proxy listeners – enter ‘port’ as 8080, disable ‘loopback only’ and select ‘support invisible’.

[+] Start the emulator and proxy: [-] emulator –avd testavd –http-proxy http://localhost:8080

[+] Download and install burp certificate (.crt) onto the emulator using the push shell command.


[+] Application file type - x.apk

Install Certs: SQLite Database Browser: