Bug Hunting/Bug Bounty
There are a lot of books, but this guide touches on how to get started with the bug bounty trend. This reading should give you a great start to become an ethical hacker and start your bug bounties journey.
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=> OWASP Testing Guide
=> Web app hackers handbook
=> Web hacking 101
=> Hacker's playbook 1,2,3
=> Hacking art of exploitation
=> Mastering modern web pen testing
=> Mobile application hacker's handbook
Vickie Li @vickieli
Before jumping to the real bug bounties engagements you might need some web targets that have been made intentionally vulnerable, there are many CTF platforms offering 24/7 web targets:---
Start Now
Now after discussing many topics and tools, this is the right time to talk about the bug bounty platform itself here is a list of the well known platforms that offer many programs.
=> HackerOne -: world's largest community of hackers and bug hunters
=> Bugcrowd -: powerful bug bounty platform and team of security researchers, one of the best platforms that connects organizations with ethical hackers .
=> Intigriti -: Europe's biggest community of security researchers that help companies to protect their assets
=> Synack -: American intelligence platform automates the discovery of vulnerable endpoints & assets .
=> YesWeHack -: Bug Bounty protects applications the agile way with a wide community of white hackers using private and public programs.
=> HackenProof -: vulnerability coordination platform , connects companies with the global security researchers community to uncover any security issues . After understanding these vulnerabilities you can begin reading others reports ,POCs on the bug bounty platforms to figure out the common testing techniques
Introduction to Hunting Bugs
Firstly Why do we learn to hunt bugs?
- It is difficult to answer this question in one sentence. The first and foremost reason is we want to be better security proffessional or researchers. When a security proffessional is able to hunt security bugs in any web application, it gains them recognition, and because they are helping the whole community to remain safe and secure, it earns them respect as well as monetary benefits which we call Bounty.
Bug Bounty Platforms
- As a beginner one should try the bug bounty platforms first and stick around for a long time to earn the tricks and techniques. In reality, not only beginners but many experienced security proffessionals are attached to such platforms and regularly hack for them.
How do I get started?
- Here’s a curated list of resources:
Programming is an important part of being a successful hacker. This isn’t a comprehensive list of programming languages and nearly any can be used for most hacking tasks, especially on the web, but rather a list of languages we find especially useful or notable.
=> JavaScript: This is the language used on the majority of web pages. Understanding it is useful for bug hunting because many bugs actually stem from JS code. => Python: Commonly used for automating various activities during testing, as well as being useful for general programming. => SQL: Used by most applications for accessing and manipulating data. Knowledge of SQL will help in discovering and exploiting critical SQL Injection vulnerabilities. => Python and Ruby: Useful for automation and quick testing and analysis, particularly for web hacking. => JavaScript: Can be used for the same tasks as Python and Ruby (albeit with fewer relevant libraries), but mostly useful to know for analysis of code on the web, as well as exploitation. => Objective-C and Swift: The ability to read these will be essential if you plan to do source code review of iOS applications. => Java and Kotlin: The ability to read these will be essential if you plan to do source code review of Android applications. Java is produced by decompilers for Android applications, which allows you to read code (roughly) equivalent to the original source, even when you only have a compiled application. => AArch64 assembly: For advanced embedded and mobile hacking, understanding the very lowest level of abstraction is essential.
=> Terminology guide: You’ll hear many terms from IP address to port to DNS. This guide will help you understand that. => Common Port Numbers: A useful list of common port numbers and the associated services.
=> Setting up your own web server: While not security-related in itself, this will teach you many of the commands and concepts you need to know to become a great hacker. => Setting up Kali Linux on Virtualbox: Kali is a hacking-oriented Linux distribution, used by many bug hunters. This guide will help you set it up in a virtual machine. => Command Line Guide: You’ll end up using many command-line tools as a hacker, so a familiarity with its structure and use is valuable.
Before finding bugs in any platforms you need to understand how web applications work and understanding the architecture of these apps.
- You need to know how to use the Virtual Machine and Kali Linux
- Solid understanding of some network fundamentals ,SQL database , web components like HTML, CSS, php and Javascript will increase the opportunity of
analysing some vulnerabilities but you shouldn't be an expert for all of them. - Also if you have some knowledge in python , it will be an added value to create your own tools that will help you to achieve a specific goal that other tools won’t do it for you.
- Some of the key areas to focus that are part of OWASP Top 10 which are:
- Information gathering
- SQL Injection
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
- Local & Remote file inclusion
- Information Disclosure
- Remote Code execution (RCE)
- You must learn to operate tools like:
- Burpsuite
- WebGoat
- Web Browser
- Proxy
- Virtual Machine
- Virtual Lab
Web hacking tools
This is a curated list of web hacking tools and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the tools we find especially useful.
Altdns: Altdns is a DNS recon tool that allows for the discovery of subdomains that conform to patterns. Altdns takes in words that could be present in subdomains under a domain (such as test, dev, staging), as well as a list of known subdomains.
Amass: The OWASP Amass Project performs network mapping of attack surfaces and external asset discovery using open source information gathering and active reconnaissance techniques.
Aquatone: Aquatone is a tool for visual inspection of websites across a large number of hosts, which provides a convenient overview of HTTP-based attack surface.
Asnlookup: The ASN Information tool displays information about an IP address’s Autonomous System Number (ASN), such as: IP owner, registration date, issuing registrar and the max range of the AS with total IPs.
BBHT: Bug Bounty Hunting Tools is a script to install the most popular tools used while looking for vulnerabilities for a bug bounty program.
Burp Suite: This is the most popular proxy in web hacking circles due to its cross-platform nature and extensive featureset. See our playlist to make the most of it. Also see our “Burp Suite Plugins” list for useful plugins to use.
chaos: Chaos actively scans and maintains internet-wide assets’ data. This project is meant to enhance research and analyze changes around DNS for better insights.
Commit-stream: Commit-stream extracts commit logs from the Github event API, exposing the author details (name and email address) associated with Github repositories in real time.
Dirb: DIRB is a web content scanner. It launches a dictionary based attack against a web server and analyzes the response.
DirBuster: This tool is a multi-threaded java application that is used to perform brute force over directories and file names on web and application servers. DirBuster attempts to find hidden directories and pages within a web application, providing users with an additional attack vector.
Dirsearch: a simple command line tool designed to brute force directories and files in websites.
Dngrep: A utility for quickly searching presorted DNS names. Built around the Rapid7 rdns & fdns dataset.
Dnscan: dnscan is a python wordlist-based DNS subdomain scanner
Dnsgen: This tool generates a combination of domain names from the provided input. Combinations are created based on wordlist. Custom words are extracted per execution.
Dnsprobe: DNSProbe is a tool built on top of retryabledns that allows you to perform multiple dns queries of your choice with a list of user supplied resolvers.
EyeWitnees: EyeWitness is designed to take screenshots of websites, provide some server header info, and identify any default credentials. EyeWitness is designed to run on
Kali Linux. It will auto detect the file you give it with the -f flag as either being a text file with URLs on each new line, nmap xml output, or nessus xml output. The –timeout flag is completely optional, and lets you provide the max time to wait when trying to render and screenshot a web page.
Ffuf: A fast web fuzzer written in Go.
Findomain: Findomain offers a dedicated monitoring service hosted in Amazon (only the local version is free), that allows you to monitor your target domains and send alerts to Discord and Slack webhooks or Telegram chats when new subdomains are found.
Gau: getallurls (gau) fetches known URLs from AlienVault’s Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl for any given domain. Inspired by Tomnomnom’s waybackurls.
gitGraber: gitGraber is a tool developed in Python3 to monitor GitHub to search and find sensitive data in real time for different online services.
Httprobe: Takes a list of domains and probes for working http and https servers.
Jok3r: Jok3r is a framework that helps penetration testers with network infrastructure and web security assessments. Its goal is to automate as much as possible in order to quickly identify and exploit “low-hanging fruit” and “quick win” vulnerabilities on most common TCP/UDP services and most common web technologies (servers, CMS, languages…).
JSParser: A python 2.7 script using Tornado and JSBeautifier to parse relative URLs from JavaScript files. This is especially useful for discovering AJAX requests when performing security research or bug bounty hunting.
Knockpy: Knockpy is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a word list. It is designed to scan for a DNS zone transfer and bypass the wildcard DNS record automatically, if it is enabled. Knockpy now supports queries to VirusTotal subdomains, you can set the API_KEY within the config.json file.
lazyrecon: This is an assembled collection of tools for performing recon.
lazys3: A Ruby script to brute-force for AWS s3 buckets using different permutations.
Masscan: This is an Internet-scale port scanner. It can scan the entire Internet in under 6 minutes, transmitting 10 million packets per second, all from a single machine.
Massdns: MassDNS is a simple high-performance DNS stub resolver targeting those who seek to resolve a massive amount of domain names in the order of millions or even billions. Without special configuration, MassDNS is capable of resolving over 350,000 names per second using publicly available resolvers.
Meg: Meg is a tool for fetching lots of URLs without taking a toll on the servers. It can be used to fetch many paths for many hosts, or fetching a single path for all hosts before moving on to the next path and repeating.
mitmproxy: This is an open-source proxy written in Python. Not recommended for beginners, but this can be a powerful tool.
Naabu: naabu is a port scanning tool written in Go that allows you to enumerate valid ports for hosts in a fast and reliable manner. It is a really simple tool that does fast SYN scans on the host/list of hosts and lists all ports that return a reply.
Nikto2: Like DirBuster, but also does some basic checks for known vulnerabilities.
Nuclei: Nuclei is a fast tool for configurable targeted scanning based on templates offering massive extensibility and ease of use.
OWASP Zed: OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is an open source tool which is offered by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project), for penetration testing of your website/web application. It helps you find the security vulnerabilities in your application.
Recon_profile: This tool is to help create easy aliases to run via an SSH/terminal.
Recon-ng: Recon-ng is a full-featured reconnaissance framework designed with the goal of providing a powerful environment to conduct open source, web-based reconnaissance quickly and thoroughly.
Shhgit: Shhgit finds secrets and sensitive files across GitHub code and Gists committed in nearly real-time by listening to the GitHub Events API.
Shuffledns: shuffleDNS is a wrapper around massdns written in go that allows you to enumerate valid subdomains using active bruteforce, as well as resolve subdomains with wildcard handling and easy input-output support.
sqlmap: This allows for easy discovery and exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities. It will not catch every bug or even be able to exploit some known SQLi bugs. What it will do is make your life much easier in the 80% of cases it will work for.
SSL Labs Server Test: This is an easy to use webapp for testing the SSL configuration of web servers.
Subfinder: subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites by using passive online sources. It has a simple modular architecture and is optimized for speed. subfinder is built for doing one thing only - passive subdomain enumeration, and it does that very well.
Subjack: Subjack is a Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go designed to scan a list of subdomains concurrently and identify ones that are able to be hijacked. With Go’s speed and efficiency, this tool really stands out when it comes to mass-testing. Always double check the results manually to rule out false positives.
Sublert: Sublert is a security and reconnaissance tool that was written in Python to leverage certificate transparency for the sole purpose of monitoring new subdomains deployed by specific organizations and an issued TLS/SSL certificate. The tool is supposed to be scheduled to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals (Ideally each day). New identified subdomains will be sent to Slack workspace with a notification push. Furthermore, the tool performs DNS resolution to determine working subdomains.
Sublist3r: Sublist3r is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains of websites using OSINT. It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for the domain they are targeting. Sublist3r enumerates subdomains using many search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu and Ask. Sublist3r also enumerates subdomains using Netcraft, Virustotal, ThreatCrowd, DNSdumpster and ReverseDNS.
Teh_s3_bucketeers: Teh_s3_bucketeers is a security tool to discover S3 buckets on Amazon’s AWS platform.
Unfurl: Unfurl is a tool that analyzes large collections of URLs and estimates their entropies to sift out URLs that might be vulnerable to attack.
Virtual-host-discovery: This is a basic HTTP scanner that enumerates virtual hosts on a given IP address. During recon, this might help expand the target by detecting old or deprecated code. It may also reveal hidden hosts that are statically mapped in the developer’s /etc/hosts file.
Waybackurls: Accept line-delimited domains on stdin, fetch known URLs from the Wayback Machine for *.domain and output them on stdout.
Webscreenshot: A simple script to screenshot a list of websites, based on the url-to-image PhantomJS script.
Wfuzz: Wfuzz has been created to facilitate the task in web applications assessments and it is based on a simple concept: it replaces any reference to the FUZZ keyword by the value of a given payload.
Whatweb: WhatWeb recognises web technologies including content management systems (CMS), blogging platforms, statistic/analytics packages, JavaScript libraries, web servers, and embedded devices. WhatWeb has over 1800 plugins, each to recognise something different. WhatWeb also identifies version numbers, email addresses, account IDs, web framework modules, SQL errors, and more.
Wpscan: WPScan is a free (for non-commercial use) black box WordPress security scanner written for security professionals and bloggers to test the security of their sites.
Miscellaneous hacking tools
This is a curated list of miscellaneous hacking tools and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the tools we find especially useful.
- Altair: Altair GraphQL Client helps you debug GraphQL queries and implementations - taking care of the hard part so you can focus on actually getting things done.
- BuiltWith: BuiltWith’s goal is to help developers, researchers and designers find out what technologies web pages are using, which may help them decide what technologies to implement themselves.
- Ettercap: Ettercap is a comprehensive suite which features sniffing of live connections, content filtering, and support for active and passive dissection of many protocols, including multiple features for network and host analysis.
- Foxyproxy: FoxyProxy is an advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefox’s limited proxying capabilities. For a simpler tool and less advanced configuration options, please use FoxyProxy Basic.
- John the Ripper: John the Ripper is free and Open Source software, distributed primarily in a source code form.
- Swiftness X: A note taking tool for BB and pentesting.
- THC Hydra: This tool is a proof-of-concept code, designed to give researchers and security consultants the possibility to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access from remote to a system.
- Transformations: Transformations makes it easier to detect common data obscurities, which may uncover security vulnerabilities or give insight into bypassing defenses.
- Wappalyzer: Wappalyzer is a browser extension that uncovers the technologies used on websites. It detects content management systems, eCommerce platforms, web servers, JavaScript frameworks, analytics tools and many more.
- Wireshark: Wireshark® is a network protocol analyzer that lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network.
---> ### Burp Suite plugins Burp Suite: The quintessential web app hacking tool. Once you hit 500 reputation on HackerOne, you are eligible for a free 3-month license of Burp Suite Pro!
This is a curated list of Burp plugins and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the plugins we find especially useful.
ActiveScan++: ActiveScan++ extends Burp Suite’s active and passive scanning capabilities. Designed to add minimal network overhead, it identifies application behavior that may be of interest to advanced testers.
Autorepeater Burp: Automated HTTP request repeating with Burp Suite.
Autorize Burp: Autorize is an extension aimed at helping the penetration tester to detect authorization vulnerabilities —one of the more time-consuming tasks in a web application penetration test.
Burp Beautifier: BurpBeautifier is a Burpsuite extension for beautifying request/response body, supporting JS, JSON, HTML, XML format, writing in Jython 2.7.
BurpSentinel: With BurpSentinel it is possible for the penetration tester to quickly and easily send a lot of malicious requests to parameters of a HTTP request. Not only that, but it also shows a lot of information of the HTTP responses, corresponding to the attack requests. It’s easy to find low-hanging fruit and hidden vulnerabilities like this, and it also allows the tester to focus on more important stuff!
Flow: This extension provides a Proxy history-like view along with search filter capabilities for all Burp tools.
Headless Burp: This extension allows you to run Burp Suite’s Spider and Scanner tools in headless mode via the command-line.
JSON_Beautifier: This plugin provides a JSON tab with beautified representation of the request/response.
Logger++: Logger++ is a multi-threaded logging extension for Burp Suite. In addition to logging requests and responses from all Burp Suite tools, the extension allows advanced filters to be defined to highlight interesting entries or filter logs to only those which match the filter.
WSDL Wizard: This extension scans a target server for WSDL files. After performing normal mapping of an application’s content, right click on the relevant target in the site map, and choose “Scan for WSDL files” from the context menu. The extension will search the already discovered contents for URLs with the .wsdl file extension, and guess the locations of any additional WSDL files based on the file names known to be in use. The results of the scanning appear within the extension’s output tab in the Burp Extender tool.
Mobile hacking tools
This is a curated list of mobile hacking tools and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the tools we find especially useful.
- dex2jar: Converts dex code (Android bytecode) into Java JAR files for manipulation or decompilation.
- dotPeek: A .NET decompiler, for use with Xamarin Android applications.
- Frida “Universal” SSL Unpinner: Universal unpinner.
- Frida: This is an instrumentation system allowing injection of JavaScript or native libraries into arbitrary mobile applications on iOS and Android. In essence, it makes it painless to change, enhance, or disable functionality in applications.
- Genymotion: Cross-platform Android emulator for developers & QA engineers. Develop & automate your tests to deliver best quality apps.
- Jadx: Jadx is a dex to Java decompiler. The command line and GUI tools for producing Java source code from Android Dex and Apk files.
- JD-GUI: This is a Java decompiler, useful after dex2jar for easy analysis of Android apps.
- MobSF: An automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis.
- Radare2: A free/libre toolchain for easing several low level tasks, such as forensics, software reverse engineering, exploiting, debugging, etc. It is composed by a large number of libraries (which are extended with plugins) and programs that can be automated with almost any programming language.
Desktop/embedded hacking tools
This is a curated list of hacking tools for native applications and embedded devices and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the tools we find especially useful.
- american fuzzy lop: AFL is an extremely powerful fuzzer, enabling detection of complicated bugs in many applications and libraries.
- Binary Ninja: Another low-cost alternative to IDA. Its API is perhaps the most powerful of the three for automating analysis of code.
- Binwalk: Used for firmware analysis and extraction. This is primarily useful for embedded Linux devices.
- dotPeek: A powerful decompiler for .NET assemblies.
- GNU strings: Finds strings in arbitrary binaries. While not strictly for reverse-engineering, it is among the most useful tools around.
- Hopper: This is a fantastic, low-cost disassembler and decompiler that runs on macOS and Linux. While it’s no replacement for IDA, it is a great choice for most applications.
- HxD (Windows) 0xED (macOS): These are graphical hex editors, useful for analysis and manipulation of files and block devices.
- IDA Pro and Hex-Rays Decompiler: IDA is the absolute gold standard for disassemblers and its decompiler plugins are the gold standard for decompilation. It is a wonderful tool with support for nearly every obscure platform and an extensive (if confusing) SDK to add nearly any feature you can imagine. However, its price makes it difficult to justify.
- PE Explorer: This is a great tool for analyzing the PE binaries used on Windows. It allows for exploration of the structures of the executable itself, as well as resources.
- PEiD: Tool for detecting cryptors, packers, and encryption routines in Windows PE binaries.
- QEMU: An emulator and virtual machine supporting a large number of systems/architectures. This makes it useful for things like running embedded firmware, but also includes debugging facilities that make it an optimal tool for hacking. Can be combined with AFL for fuzzing of binaries that aren’t for your native architecture.
- Radare2: This is a set of tools for doing analysis of binaries. It includes everything from disassembly to debugging and more.
- Unicorn Engine: This is a library rather than a standalone tool, but it makes writing quick emulators a breeze. Particularly useful for reverse-engineering.
Setting up your Environment
====> To start with tools like BurpSuite, OWASP ZAP, WebGoat, you need to install Kali Linux in your Virtual Machine. We will do that for one reason: Kali Linux comes up with all these tools by default. Therefore you don't have to install them separately.
====> A virtual machine, or virtualisation, is not mandatory for the experienced Ethical Hacker. As an experienced Ethical Hacker, you can run Kali Linux as your main system and perform the hacking using mainly a terminal with the help of a programming language such as Python, or we can use selected tools like Metasploit.
As an aspiring Ethical Hacker and penetration tester, you should become capable of building Virtual and Physical Labs to use it for practice
Why do we need Virtual Environment? - Virtualisation is very important for any type of penetration testing. You are going to learn how to find security vulnerabilites in any web application, and that needs a lot of practice before you actually approach a client to do the same on their live system. So we need a simulated environment first, a network security lab where we can practice, to learn and understand every trick of hunting bugs so that we can impliment them on the live applications later as secuurity proffessionals.
Introduction to Kali Linux
- Once the VirtualBox has been installed on your machine,
- you need not worry about installing several operating systems on it.
- Firstly, we need to install Kali Linux on our VirtualBox.
- Go to the official Kali Linux and download the ISO image of the latest stable version.
- Kali Linux is a much bigger Linux distribution than other Linux distributions.
Exploitation resources
This is a curated list of exploitation resources and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the tools we find especially useful.
- NoSQLMap: NoSQLMap is an open source Python tool designed to audit for, as well as automate injection attacks, and exploit default configuration weaknesses in NoSQL databases and web applications using NoSQL to disclose or clone data from the database.
- Retire.JS: Scanning website for vulnerable js libraries.
- Spiderfoot: SpiderFoot is an open source intelligence (OSINT) automation tool. It integrates with just about every data source available, and automates OSINT collection so that you can focus on data analysis.
- Sqlmap: sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester, and a broad range of switches including: database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, accessing the underlying file system, and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.
- SQLNinja: Sqlninja is a tool targeted to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end.
- SSRFTest: SSRF testing tool.
- XSS hunter: XSS Hunter allows you to find all kinds of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, including the often-missed blind XSS. The service works by hosting specialized XSS probes which, upon firing, scan the page and send information about the vulnerable page to the XSS Hunter service.
- Ysoserial: A proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe Java object deserialization.
Scanners / Frameworks
This is a curated list of scanners and frameworks and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the tools we find especially useful.
- Canvas: CANVAS offers hundreds of exploits, an automated exploitation system, and a comprehensive, reliable exploit development framework to penetration testers and security professionals worldwide.
- IronWASP: IronWASP (Iron Web Application Advanced Security testing Platform) is an open source tool used for web application vulnerability testing. It is designed in such a way that users having the right knowledge can create their own scanners using this as a framework. IronWASP is built using Python and Ruby and users having knowledge of them would be able to make full use of the platform. However, IronWASP provides a lot of features that are simple to understand.
- Lazyrecon: LazyRecon is a script written in Bash, intended to automate the tedious tasks of reconnaissance and information gathering. The information is organized in an html report at the end, which helps you identify next steps.
- Maltego: Maltego is an open source intelligence (OSINT) and graphical link analysis tool for gathering and connecting information for investigative tasks.
- Metasploit: Metasploit is an open source penetration testing framework.
- Nikto: Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6700 potentially dangerous files/programs, checks for outdated versions of over 1250 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers.
- Nmap: Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing.
- OpenVAS: OpenVAS is a full-featured vulnerability scanner. Its capabilities include unauthenticated testing, authenticated testing, various high level and low level Internet and industrial protocols, performance tuning for large-scale scans and a powerful internal programming language to implement any type of vulnerability test.
- Osmedeus: Osmedeus allows you to automatically run the collection of awesome tools for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning against the target.
- Reconness: ReconNess helps you to run and keep all your #recon in the same place allowing you to focus only on the potentially vulnerable targets without distraction and without requiring a lot of bash skill, or programming skill in general.
- Sn1per: Sn1per Community Edition is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities. Sn1per Professional is Xero Security’s premium reporting addon for Professional Penetration Testers, Bug Bounty Researchers and Corporate Security teams to manage large environments and pentest scopes.
- Wapiti: Wapiti allows you to audit the security of your websites or web applications. It performs “black-box” scans (it does not study the source code) of the web application by crawling the web pages of the deployed webapp, looking for scripts and forms where it can inject data.
Datasets / Freemium services
This is a curated list of datasets and freemium services and is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, we want to highlight the tools we find especially useful.
- C99.nl: Subdomain Finder is a scanner that scans an entire domain to find as many subdomains as possible.
- Censys: Censys scans the most ports and houses the biggest certificate database in the world, and provides the most up-to-date, thorough view of your known and unknown assets.
- Payloads All The Things: A list of useful payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security. Feel free to improve with your payloads and techniques.
- Rapid7 Forward DNS (FDNS): This dataset contains the responses to DNS requests for all forward DNS names known by Rapid7’s Project Sonar.
- Seclists: SecLists is the security tester’s companion. It’s a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more. The goal is to enable a security tester to pull this repository onto a new testing box and have access to every type of list that may be needed.
- Shodan: Shodan provides a public API that allows other tools to access all of Shodan’s data. Integrations are available for Nmap, Metasploit, Maltego, FOCA, Chrome, Firefox and many more.
Injection Request Forgery
What is Cross-Site Request Forgery?
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they're currently authenticated. --- In CSRF, an attacker tricks the browser into doing some unwanted action in a web application to which a user is logged in. Therefore the user is also tricked because they do not know what is happening behind the curtain. They log into their bank account and get a session ticket. The attacker uses the same session ticket and transfers the funds into his account.
For this session CSRF is also known as season riding or sea surfing
Exploiting through Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)
- Resisting Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) is one of the most daunting tasks; web applications usually have many types of vulnerabilites that trigger XSS atacks.
- It is one of the most common attacks, and it is always featuredin the top ten IT security risks.
- The bigger the web application, the harder is the task to resist XSS.
Discovering XSS vulnerabilities
- Discovering any XSS attack in a web application has been made easy through Burp Suite.
- We can easily discover whether a web application has vulnerabilities or not.
- We can also discover whether it has already been attacked by someone or not just by attacking it using Burp Suite.
===> TO DO THIS - we can install OWASP blocking web application
Header Injection and URL Redirection
- Header Injection and URL Redirection are possible when a web application accepts unvalidated user inputs, these untrusted data may redirect the page to a malicious website.
/* Redirecting Browser */
header("Location: https://www.google.com");
/* Taking untrusted input from a form and Redirecting browser */
$RedirectingURL = $_GET["URL"];
header("Location: " . $RedirectingURL);
Cross-Site Scripting through Header Injection
-- So far we have learned that open redirections or URL redirections are potential vulnerabilities for any web application. Under the influence of untrusted user input data, any web application may fall into this phishing trap. In such cases, a redirection is performed to a location specified in user-supplied data. -- OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite is used here to perform the task
Malicious Files
- Uploaded malicious files always pose a great threat to web applications.
- An attacker tries to upload code to the system to be attacked ; later that code is supposed to be executed.
- Usually the "attack" only needs to be find a way to get the code executed to own the system
Uploading Malicious Files to Own a system - The file upload_module needs a "file upload form". This form could easily be a major security risk because, if it is done without a full understanding of the risks associated with it, it might open the doors for the server compromise. However, despite the security concerns, you cannot imagine a web application without a file-upload module. It is one of the most common requirements.
<div class="vulnerable_code_area">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="#" method="POST" />
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />
Choose an image to upload:
<br />
<input name="uploaded" type="file" /><br />
<br />
<input type="submit" name="Upload" value="Upload" />
Poisoning Sender Policy Framework(SPF)
- Sender POlicy Framework is a technical standard that helps protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing and phishing.
- It's a form of email authentication.
- SPF can be defined as a way to validate that an email message is sent from an authorized mail server.
- In order to detect forgery and to detect spam, it is mandatory for every web application.
Testing SPF Records - It specifically identifies which mail servers are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain, using IP addresses. - In any case the SPF record is included in an organization's DNS database as a specially formatted DNS text record. - There are simple steps that can help you write the SPF entries for your clients.
==> - The first step is to impliment SPF is to identify who is the email servers, each one to use to send email from your domains - make a list of your sending domains - after that you can create your SPF record.
v=spf1 +a +mx +ip4: ~all
Injecting Unintended XML - Whenever we pen test an application and we see that the application functionality has XML parsing in the backend, we try to pen test the app with XML injection issues. - Usually we use an XML parser to check whether the client application's XML documents is properly formatted or not - We also validate the XML documents with that XML parser - Before pentesting in an aplication with XML injection issue, we examine injection using XML parser is a normal procedure.A type of XML injection can cause medium to severe kind of damages to the application. It can alter the intended logic of the application, ie, why we call it unintended XML injection
what is XML? -- XML is a software and hardware independent language for storing and transporting data -- It stands for Extensible Markup Language and is similar to HTML. -- XML was designed to be self-descriptive. -- so you can design the structure according to your necessity
what is a DTD? -- A document type definition or DTD defines the legal elements and attributes of an XML document. With a DTD, developers agree on a standard data structure for storing and transporting data. Furthermore, an application can verify with the help of DTD that an XML document is properly formatted or not.
Finding common Injection Vulnerabilities
Bug Bounty Beginner's Roadmap
NOTE: The bug bounty landscape has changed since the last few years. The issues we used to find easily an year ago would not be easy now. Automation is being used rigorously and most of the "low hanging fruits" are being duplicated if you are out of luck. If you want to start doing bug bounty, you will have to be determined to be consistent and focused, as the competition is very high.
- What is a bug?
- Security bug or vulnerability is “a weakness in the computational logic (e.g., code) found in software and hardware components that, when exploited, results in a negative impact to confidentiality, integrity, OR availability.
- What is Bug Bounty?
- A bug bounty or bug bounty program is IT jargon for a reward or bounty program given for finding and reporting a bug in a particular software product. Many IT companies offer bug bounties to drive product improvement and get more interaction from end users or clients. Companies that operate bug bounty programs may get hundreds of bug reports, including security bugs and security vulnerabilities, and many who report those bugs stand to receive awards.
- What is the Reward?
- There are all types of rewards based on the severity of the issue and the cost to fix. They may range from real money (most prevalent) to premium subscriptions (Prime/Netflix), discount coupons (for e commerce of shopping sites), gift vouchers, swags (apparels, badges, customized stationery, etc.). Money may range from 50$ to 50,000$ and even more.
Bug Bounty Report Format
- Title
- The first impression is the last impression, the security engineer looks the Title first and he can understand what is the issue?
- Write about what kind of functionality you can able to abuse or what kind of protection you can bypass. Write in just one line.
Include the Impact of the issue in the title if possible
- This component provides details of the vulnerability, you can explain the vulnerability here, write about the paths, endpoints, error messages you got while testing. You can also attach HTTP requests, vulnerable source code.
- Steps to Reproduce
- Write the stepwise process to recreate the bug. It is important for an app owner to be able to verify what you've found and understand the scenario.
- You must write each step clearly in-order to demonstrate the issue. that helps security engineers to triage fast.
- Proof of Concept
- This component is the visual of the whole work. You can record a demonstration video or attach screenshots.
- Impact
- Write about the real-life impact, How an attacker can take advantage if he successfully exploits the vulnerability.
- What type of possible damages could be done? (avoid writing about the theoretical impact)
- Should align with the business objective of the organization
Sample Report
Some additional Tips
- Don't do bug bounty as a full time in the beginning (although I suggest don't do it full time at any point). There is no guarantee to get bugs every other day, there is no stability. Always keep multiple sources of income (bug bounty not being the primary).
- Stay updated, learning should never stop. Join twitter, follow good people, maintain the curiosity to learn something new every day. Read writeups, blogs and keep expanding your knowledge.
- Always see bug bounty as a medium to enhance your skills. Money will come only after you have the skills. Take money as a motivation only.
- Don't be dependent on automation. You can't expect a tool to generate money for you. Automation is everywhere. The key to success in Bug Bounty is to be unique. Build your own methodology, learn from others and apply on your own.
- Always try to escalate the severity of the bug, keep a broader mindset.
- Stay connected to the community. Learn and contribute. There is always someone better than you in something. don't miss an opportunity to network. Join forums, go to conferences and hacking events, meet people, learn from their experiences.
- Always be helpful.