create a wordlist based on criteria you specify. The output from crunch can be sent to the screen, file, or to another program.

What if we knew that the target always used number passwords between 6 and 8 characters? We could generate a complete list of password possibilities meeting this criteria and send them to a file in the root user's directory called numericwordlist.lst by typing:


NNAAMMEE crunch - generate wordlists from a character set

SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS crunch [] [options]

DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Crunch can create a wordlist based on criteria you specify. The outout from crunch can be sent to the screen, file, or to another program. The required parameters are:

          The  minimum  length  string  you want crunch to start at.  This
          option is required even for parameters that won't use the value.

          The  maximum  length  string  you  want  crunch to end at.  This
          option is required even for parameters that won't use the value.

   charset string
          You  may specify character sets for crunch to use on the command
          line or if you leave it blank crunch will use the default  char-
          acter sets.  The order MUST BE lower case characters, upper case
          characters, numbers, and then symbols.  If you don't follow this
          order  you  will not get the results you want.  You MUST specify
          either values for the character type or a plus sign.   NOTE:  If
          you  want  to  include the space character in your character set
          you must escape it using the \ character or enclose your charac-
          ter  set in quotes i.e. "abc ".  See the examples 3, 11, 12, and
          13 for examples.

OOPPTTIIOONNSS -b number[type] Specifies the size of the output file, only works if -o START is used, i.e.: 60MB The output files will be in the format of starting letter-ending letter for example: ./crunch 4 5 -b 20mib -o START will generate 4 files: aaaa-gvfed.txt, gvfee-ombqy.txt, ombqz-wcydt.txt, wcydu-zzzzz.txt valid values for type are kb, mb, gb, kib, mib, and gib. The first three types are based on 1000 while the last three types are based on 1024. NOTE There is no space between the number and type. For example 500mb is correct 500 mb is NOT correct.

   -c number
          Specifies the number of lines to  write  to  output  file,  only
          works if -o START is used, i.e.: 60  The output files will be in
          the  format  of  starting  letter-ending  letter  for   example:
          ./crunch  1  1 -f /pentest/password/crunch/charset.lst mixalpha-
          numeric-all-space -o START -c 60 will result in 2 files: a-7.txt
          and  8-\  .txt  The reason for the slash in  the second filename
          is the ending character is space and ls  has  to  escape  it  to
          print it.  Yes you will need to put in the \ when specifying the
          filename because the last character is a space.

   -d numbersymbol
          Limits the number of duplicate characters.   -d  2@  limits  the
          lower  case  alphabet to output like aab and aac.  aaa would not
          be generated as that is 3 consecutive letters of a.  The  format
          is number then symbol where number is the maximum number of con-
          secutive characters and symbol is the symbol of the the  charac-
          ter set you want to limit i.e. @,%^   See examples 17-19.

   -e string
          Specifies when crunch should stop early

   -f /path/to/charset.lst charset-name
          Specifies a character set from the charset.lst

   -i  Inverts  the  output  so  instead  of  aaa,aab,aac,aad, etc you get
          aaa,baa,caa,daa,aba,bba, etc

   -l When you use the -t option this option tells  crunch  which  symbols
          should  be  treated as literals.  This will allow you to use the
          placeholders as letters in the pattern.  The -l option should be
          the same length as the -t option.  See example 15.

   -m Merged with -p.  Please use -p instead.

   -o wordlist.txt
          Specifies the file to write the output to, eg: wordlist.txt

   -p charset OR -p word1 word2 ...
          Tells crunch to generate words that don't have repeating charac-
          ters.  By default  crunch  will  generate  a  wordlist  size  of
          #of_chars_in_charset  ^  max_length.   This  option will instead
          generate #of_chars_in_charset!.  The  !  stands  for  factorial.
          For example say the charset is abc and max length is 4..  Crunch
          will by default generate 3^4  =  81  words.   This  option  will
          instead  generate 3! = 3x2x1 = 6 words (abc, acb, bac, bca, cab,
          cba).  THIS MUST BE THE LAST OPTION!  This option CANNOT be used
          with -s and it ignores min and max length however you must still
          specify two numbers.

   -q filename.txt
          Tells crunch to read filename.txt  and  permute  what  is  read.
          This  is  like the -p option except it gets the input from file-

   -r Tells crunch to resume generate words from where it  left  off.   -r
          only  works if you use -o.  You must use the same command as the
          original command used to generate the words.  The only exception
          to  this is the -s option.  If your original command used the -s
          option you MUST remove it before you resume the  session.   Just
          add -r to the end of the original command.

   -s startblock
          Specifies a starting string, eg: 03god22fs

   -t @,%^
          Specifies  a pattern, eg: @@god@@@@ where the only the @'s, ,'s,
          %'s, and ^'s will change.
          @ will insert lower case characters
          , will insert upper case characters
          % will insert numbers
          ^ will insert symbols

          The -u option disables the printpercentage thread.  This  should
          be the last option.

   -z gzip, bzip2, lzma, and 7z
          Compresses  the output from the -o option.  Valid parameters are
          gzip, bzip2, lzma, and 7z.
          gzip is the fastest but the compression is minimal.  bzip2 is  a
          little slower than gzip but has better compression.  7z is slow-
          est but has the best compression.

EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Example 1 crunch 1 8 crunch will display a wordlist that starts at a and ends at zzzzzzzz

   Example 2
   crunch 1 6 abcdefg
   crunch will display a wordlist using the  character  set  abcdefg  that
   starts at a and ends at gggggg

   Example 3
   crunch 1 6 abcdefg\
   there  is  a  space  at  the end of the character string.  In order for
   crunch to use the space you will need to escape it using the \  charac-
   ter.   In this example you could also put quotes around the letters and
   not need the \, i.e. "abcdefg ".  Crunch will display a wordlist  using
   the character set abcdefg  that starts at a and ends at (6 spaces)

   Example 4
   crunch 1 8 -f charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all-space -o wordlist.txt
   crunch  will  use  the  mixalpha-numeric-all-space  character  set from
   charset.lst and will write the wordlist to a file  named  wordlist.txt.
   The file will start with a and end with "        "

   Example 5
   crunch 8 8 -f charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all-space -o wordlist.txt -t
   @@dog@@@ -s cbdogaaa
   crunch should generate a 8 character wordlist using  the  mixalpha-num-
   ber-all-space  character  set  from  charset.lst  and  will  write  the
   wordlist to a file named wordlist.txt.  The file will start at cbdogaaa
   and end at "  dog   "

   Example 6
   crunch 2 3 -f charset.lst ualpha -s BB
   crunch  with  start generating a wordlist at BB and end with ZZZ.  This
   is useful if you have to stop generating  a  wordlist  in  the  middle.
   Just  do  a tail wordlist.txt and set the -s parameter to the next word
   in the sequence.  Be sure to rename the original  wordlist  BEFORE  you
   begin as crunch will overwrite the existing wordlist.

   Example 7
   crunch 4 5 -p abc
   The numbers aren't processed but are needed.
   crunch will generate abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba.

   Example 8
   crunch 4 5 -p dog cat bird
   The numbers aren't processed but are needed.
   crunch  will  generate  birdcatdog, birddogcat, catbirddog, catdogbird,
   dogbirdcat, dogcatbird.

   Example 9
   crunch 1 5 -o START -c 6000 -z bzip2
   crunch will generate bzip2 compressed files with each  file  containing
   6000  words.  The filenames of the compressed files will be first_word-

   # time ./crunch 1 4 -o START -c 6000 -z gzip
   real    0m2.729s
   user    0m2.216s
   sys     0m0.360s

   # time ./crunch 1 4 -o START -c 6000 -z bzip2
   real    0m3.414s
   user    0m2.620s
   sys     0m0.580s

   # time ./crunch 1 4 -o START -c 6000 -z lzma
   real    0m43.060s
   user    0m9.965s
   sys     0m32.634s

   size  filename
   30K   aaaa-aiwt.txt
   12K   aaaa-aiwt.txt.gz
   3.8K  aaaa-aiwt.txt.bz2
   1.1K  aaaa-aiwt.txt.lzma

   Example 10
   crunch 4 5 -b 20mib -o START
   will  generate  4  files:   aaaa-gvfed.txt,   gvfee-ombqy.txt,   ombqz-
   wcydt.txt, wcydu-zzzzz.txt
   the  first  three  files  are 20MBs (real power of 2 MegaBytes) and the
   last file is 11MB.

   Example 11
   crunch 3 3 abc + 123 !@# -t @%^
   will generate a 3 character long word with a  character  as  the  first
   character,  and  number  as  the second character, and a symbol for the
   third character.  The order in which you  specify  the  characters  you
   want is important.  You must specify the order as lower case character,
   upper case character, number, and symbol.  If you aren't going to use a
   particular  character set you use a plus sign as a placeholder.  As you
   can see I am not using the upper case character set so I am  using  the
   plus sign placeholder.  The above will start at a1! and end at c3#

   Example 12
   crunch 3 3 abc + 123 !@# -t ^%@
   will generate 3 character words starting with !1a and ending with #3c

   Example 13
   crunch 4 4  + + 123 + -t %%@^
   the  plus sign (+) is a place holder so you can specify a character set
   for the character type.  crunch will use the default character set  for
   the  character  type when crunch encounters a + (plus sign) on the com-
   mand line.  You must either specify values for each character  type  or
   use  the  plus  sign.   I.E.  if you have two characters types you MUST
   either specify values for each type or use a plus  sign.   So  in  this
   example the character sets will be:
   there is a space at the end of the above string
   the  output  will start at 11a! and end at "33z ".  The quotes show the
   space at the end of the string.

   Example 14
   crunch 5 5 -t ddd@@ -o j -p dog cat bird
   any character other than one of the following: @,%^
   is the placeholder for the words to permute.  The @,%^ symbols have the
   same function as -t.
   If  you  want  to  use @,%^ in your output you can use the -l option to
   specify which character you want crunch to treat as a literal.
   So the results are

   Example 15
   crunch 7 7 -t p@ss,%^ -l a@aaaaa
   crunch will now treat the @ symbol  as  a  literal  character  and  not
   replace the character with a uppercase letter.
   this will generate

   Example 16
   crunch 5 5 -s @4#S2 -t @%^,2 -e @8 Q2 -l @dddd -b 10KB -o START
   crunch will generate 5 character strings starting with @4#S2 and ending
   at @8 Q2.  The output will be broken into 10KB sized  files  named  for
   the files starting and ending strings.

   Example 17
   crunch 5 5 -d 2@ -t @@@%%
   crunch  will generate 5 character strings staring with aab00 and ending
   at zzy99.  Notice that aaa and zzz are not present.

   Example 18
   crunch 10 10 -t @@@^%%%%^^ -d 2@ -d 3% -b 20mb -o START
   crunch will generate 10 character strings starting with aab!0001!!  and
   ending at zzy 9998    The output will be written to 20mb files.

   Example 19
   crunch 8 8 -d 2@
   crunch  will gernerate 8 characters that limit the same number of lower
   case characters to 2.   Crunch  will  start  at  aabaabaa  and  end  at

   Example 20
   crunch 4 4 -f unicode_test.lst japanese -t @@%% -l @xdd
   crunch will load some japanese characters from the unicode_test charac-
   ter set file.  The output will start at @ae=Y00 and end at @`e_a99.

RREEDDIIRREECCTTIIOONN You can use crunch's output and pipe it into other programs. The two most popular programs to pipe crunch into are: aircrack-ng and airolib- ng. The syntax is as follows: crunch 2 4 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | aircrack-ng /root/Mycapfile.cap -e MyESSID -w- crunch 10 10 12345 --stdout | airolib-ng testdb -import passwd -

NNOOTTEESS 1. Starting in version 2.6 crunch will display how much data is about to be generated. In 2.7 it will also display how many lines will be generated. Crunch will now wait 3 seconds BEFORE it begins generating data to give you time to press Ctrl-C to abort crunch if you find the values are too large for your application.

   2.   I   have   added   hex-lower   (0123456789abcdef)   and  hex-upper
   (0123456789ABCDEF) to charset.lst.

   3. Several people have requested that I add support for the space char-
   acter  to  crunch.   crunch has always supported the space character on
   the command line and in the charset.lst.  To add a space on the command
   line  you  must escape it using the / character.  See example 3 for the
   syntax.  You may need to escape other characters like ! or #  depending
   on your operating system.

   4.  Starting  in 2.7 if you are generating a file then every 10 seconds
   you will receive the % done.

   5. Starting in 3.0 I had to change the -t * character to a , as  the  *
   is  a  reserved  character.   You  could still use it if you put a \ in
   front of the *.  Yes it breaks crunch's syntax and  I  do  my  best  to
   avoid  doing that, but in this instance it is easier to make the change
   for long term support.

   6. Some output is missing.  A file didn't get generated.
   The mostly explaination is you ran out of disk space.  If you have ver-
   ified you have plenty of disk space then the problem is most likely the
   filename begins with a period.  In Linux filenames that  begin  with  a
   period are hidden.  To view them do a ls -l .*

   7.  Crunch  says The maximum and minimum length should be the same size
   as the pattern you specified, however the length is set correctly.
   This usually means your pattern contains a character that needs  to  be
   escaped.  In bash you need to escape the followings: &, *, space, \, (,
   ), |, ', ", ;, <, >.
   The escape character in bash is a \.  So a pattern that has a & and a *
   in it would look like this:
   crunch 4 4 -t \&\*d@
   An  alternative  to  escaping  characters  is  to wrap your string with
   quotes.  For example:
   crunch 4 4 -t "&*d@"
   If you want to use the " in your pattern you will  need  to  escape  it
   like this: crunch 4 4 -t "&*\"@"
   Please  note  that different terminals have different escape characters
   and probably have different characters that will need escaping.  Please
   check  the manpage of your terminal for the escape characters and char-
   acters that need escaping.

   8. When using the -z 7z option, 7z does not delete the  original  file.
   You will have to delete those files by hand.

AAUUTTHHOORR This manual page was written by

   Crunch version 1.0 was written by
   all later versions of crunch have been updated by


BBUUGGSS If you find any please email bofh28 or post to

CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright (c) 2009-2013 bofh28

   This file is a part of Crunch.

   Crunch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
   the  terms  of  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
   Software Foundation, version 2 only of the License.

   Crunch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  but  WITHOUT
   ANY  WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General  Public  License
   for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with Crunch.  If not, see <>.

Version 3.6 May 2014 CRUNCH(1)