Basic Egghunting
Source: CaptMeelo^1
Commands learned
- Alternative to pattern create:
/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb -l <number_of_buffer>
- is
!mona pc <number_of_buffer>
- Alternative to pattern offset
/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_offset.rb -l <number_of_buffer> -q <value_in_register>
- is
!mona findmsp
@ mona itself after sending the pattern- This can be used in conjunction with pattern_create + it tells you more details such as other registers and the size of the whole payload
!mona jmp -r esp -m 'essfunc.dll'
- offset = i.e. 50 bytes back so '-50' convert to hex using the calculator site is 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFCE' so it is
therefore making the whole command\xEB\xCE
, - This would technically only move you back 48 bytes since
itself consumes 2 byes and will be counted in walking back- calculator site [^2]
!mona egg -t <keyword_you_would_like_to_use>
- i.e.
!mona egg -t Bellend
- then send shellcode via other means like via other COMMAND (i.e. "STATS "+"BellendBellend"+shellcode)
- make space for shellcode
- i.e.
[^2]: Binary Hex Converter