Modifications on the Autorecon script to go further
Unsure if this still applies to the newer versions of autorecon
# Replace default password list for OSCP
#password_wordlist = '/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/darkweb2017-top100.txt'
# or use Top 3 million passwords
password_wordlist = '/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou-50k.txt'
# insert below the [[all-services.scan]]
name = 'unicornscan-full-udp.service-detection'
command = 'unicornscan -v -m U -p a {address} >> "{scandir}/_unicornscan-full-udp.txt"'
* Simply insert as additional scan [[http.scan]] name = 'http-vuln-scan-nmap' description = 'Nmap scans for HTTP vulnerabilities that could potentially cause a DoS if scanned (according to Nmap). Be careful:' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} -Pn --script="http-vuln-*" --script-args="unsafe=1" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_http_nmap_vuln.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_http_nmap_vuln.xml" {address}' # Simply insert as additional scan [[http.scan]] name = 'wafw00f' description = 'Wafw00f to detect WAF' command = 'wafw00f -a {scheme}://{address}:{port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_http_wafw00f.txt" ' # Simply insert as additional scan [[http.scan]] name = 'davtest' description = 'davtest to detect if WebDAV is turned ON' command = 'davtest -url {scheme}://{address}:{port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_http_davtest.txt" ' # Simply insert as additional scan [[http.scan]] name = 'http-sqli-scan-nmap' description = 'Nmap scans for SQLi vulnerabilities' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} -Pn --script=http-sql-injection -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_http_nmap_sqli.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_http_nmap_sqli.xml" {address}' # In [[http.scan]] name = 'nikto' # insert the '-C all' in the command= of nikto # In [[http.scan]] comment-out dirb and insert gobuster [[http.scan]] name = 'gobuster' command = 'gobuster -v dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_gobuster_dirbuster.txt" -l -t 50 -k --wildcard'
* Simply insert as additional scan [[smb.scan]] name = 'smb-vuln-scan-nmap' description = 'Nmap scans for SMB vulnerabilities that could potentially cause a DoS if scanned (according to Nmap). Be careful:' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="smb-vuln-*" --script-args="unsafe=1" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_nmap_smb_vuln.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_nmap_smb_vuln.xml" {address}' [[smb.scan]] name = 'smb-version-139' command = '/bin/sh /root/Tools/NetworkAttacks/SMB/ {address} >> "{scandir}/smb-version-139.txt" ' [[smb.scan]] name = 'smb-version-445' command = '/bin/sh /root/Tools/NetworkAttacks/SMB/ {address} 445 >> "{scandir}/smb-version-445.txt" '